CanMap RouteLogistics 2006.3 (Greater Toronto Area)
Publication Date : 2006
Edition : 2006.3
Geography : Greater Toronto Area (GTA)  
Description : Detailed digital map files for the Greater Toronto Area. Many attributes, including generalized land use, specific sites for food and lodgings, government services, recreation, shopping, building footprints, churches, schools, transportation services.
Accessing the Data : Link to Data
Use Restriction: For use by Ryerson University faculty, students and staff only. These data products are provided for the exclusive purposes of teaching, academic research and publishing and may not be used for any other purposes without the explicit written approval, in advance of DMTI. Read the appropriate license agreement for further information.
Permissions : Users must agree to the conditions of the DMTI Data Agreement. Proper citation of the data are required.
Type of Data : vector
Link to ESRI Shapefile Viewer: Download ArcExplorer
Format: Shapefile, Zip
File Size : 126 MB
Technical Detail : Map Projection: Latitude/Longitude, Horizontal Datum: NAD83
Data Creator: DMTI Spatial Inc.
Publisher: DMTI Spatial Inc.
Copyright Owner: DMTI Spatial Inc.
Contact Person:
Citation Format: Link to Citation Examples
Subject: Railroads   Boundaries - Political   Highways   Placenames   Recreation   Parks   Political   Census   Streets   Buildings - Footprints   Buildings - Points   Train   Transportation   Services   Travel Time   Industrial   Land Use   Utilities   Highways - Exits   Highways - Speed Limits   Streets - Speed Limits   Streets - One Way   Postal Geography   Addresses   Drainage   Roads   Trail   Hydrography   Vegetation   Physiography   Elevation   Education   Health